Airtek Ltd. — 514-336-3820 — —

Tools & Accessories
In-Line Lubricators

oiler TX-0  No 0

NO 0

Lubricator and filter TX-0L-F


lubricator TX-1  NO 1

NO 1

Lubricator and filter  TX-1L-F


football lubricator TX-2 No 2

NO 2

portable lubricator TX-3 No 3

NO 3

These are heavy-duty in-line lubricators to be installed 6-8 feet from tool. Rugged construction will allow dragging on floor or ground behind tool. Designed for use with tools being used too far away from compressor to be lubricated by a permanently mounted unit.

Use lubricators to save money and eliminate repairs
Use lubricators to eliminate costly downtime
All mechanical apparatus need lubrication
Absolute must for improved tool life

Part # Oil Capacity Filter Pipe Size Maximum
Working Pressure (PSI)
Oil Weight
Air Flow @ 70 PSI
NO 0 1.4 FL. OZ. No 1/2" NPT 500 10 WT. 30 CFM
TX-0L-F 1.4 FL. OZ. Yes 1/2" NPT 500 10 WT. 30 CFM
NO 1 3.7 FL.OZ No 3/4" NPT 260 10 WT. 70 CFM
TX-1L-F 3.7 FL.OZ Yes 3/4" NPT 260 10 WT. 70 CFM
NO 2 11.0 FL.OZ No 3/4" NPT 300 10 WT 70 CFM.
NO 3 16.0 FL.OZ No 1" NPT 250 10 WT 150 CFM


Most effective installation is about 6 feet from tool. On new whip installation, pour 1/2 ounce of oil directly in hose to coat with lubricant, so tool will not run dry while hose is being coated.


At the bottom of the oil reservoir is an oil adjusting valve assembly. Remove the filler cap to adjust. The brass metering pin can easily be adjusted with a screw driver. A setting of 5 to 10 is suitable for most applications, but viscosity, pressure and CFM flow all determine oil usage. Experience based on usage will be your best guide.

Screened Inlet Bushings
screen bushing

Brass screens to trap debris to prolong the tool's life.
Inlet bushings are heat and zinc plated.
Protects against corrosive damage and improves performance.

Screened Air Inlet Bushing

Part # Size
TX-00989 1/4" MPT X 1/4" FPT
TX-00990 1/4" MPT X 3/8" FPT
TX-00991 3/8" MPT X 1/4" FPT
TX-00992 3/8" MPT X 3/8" FPT
TX-00993 3/8" MPT X 1/2" FPT
TX-00994 1/2" MPT X 3/8" FPT
TX-00995 1/2" MPT X 1/2" FPT
Chipping Hammer Hose Swivels

Hose swivels are treated and black oxide.
Made to fit hose direct or male NPT or female NPT

Part # Description
TX-01087 7/8-24 x 1/2 Hose Barb
TX-01086 7/8 -24 x 3/8" MPT
TX-03000 7/8 -24 x 3/8" FPT
TX-00986 7/8 -20 x 1/2 Hose Barb
TX-01085 7/8 -20 x 3/8" MPT
TX-03001 7/8 -20 x 3/8" FPT

Hose swivel for clay spades, diggers, tampers, impacts with 1/2" NPT female inlet

Part # Description
A1060 1/2" NPT X 1/2" Hose Barb

Pneumatic Exhaust Mufflers


tool muffler


These compact, lightweight silencers exhibit excellent noise dampening characteristics while providing minimal resistance to flow. Constructed with a molded acetyl body, they feature highly efficient noise reduction and filtering action.

An integral baffle plate inside the silencer body provides a controlled flow condition that circulates air through a maximum number of sound absorbing members before exhausting to atmosphere. And, as a result of this unique turbo-action, more sound is absorbed by these members resulting in maximum noise reduction.

Because of their high efficiency these silencers are almost one third smaller than conventional design., therefore permitting considerable space saving.

And, because exhaust flow is in a controlled direction, they may be installed to direct air flow away from operating personnel.

Thanks to the continuous relative movement of the sound absorbing members, there is practically no risk of clogging of these silencers, hence heir advantage of constant flow characteristic is not to be matched in other analogous products.

When these silencers operate with particularly dirty or oily air, cleaning (where and when necessary) with a petroleum based solvent proves highly efficient for full silencer regeneration.

Part # NPT A B C D
ES8/NT 1/8" 15.5 0.61 1/8" 6 0.23 26.5 1.04
ES4/NT 1/4" 19.5 0.77 1/4" 8 0.31 35 1.37
ES3/NT 3/8" 24.5 0.96 3/8" 11 0.43 47 1.85
ES2/NT 1/2" 24.5 0.96 1/2" 11 0.43 47 1.85
ES15/NT 1/4" 48 1.9 3/4" 18 0.7 97 3.83
ES1/NT 1" 48 1.9 1" 18 0.7 97 3.83